
An AI-powered software engine called Musico creates music based on human input. It has the ability to respond to gestures, motion, codes, and other sounds.

Musico creates music that is free of copyright and in a range of styles using a combination of conventional and cutting-edge machine learning techniques.

It can be used for AI-assisted composition as well as fully automatic and semi-automatic composition. Additionally, Musico features programmes like Impro that let musicians and performers create music in the moment while interacting with Musico via simple gestures.

Additionally, the engine may be configured to map and respond in real time to a variety of control signals, creating limitless interaction opportunities.

The engine is also being investigated for its possible application in media and digital storytelling to develop an improved soundtrack plugin. To ensure reliable and worthwhile outcomes, everything is carried out under careful human oversight.

For musicians to create everything from musical sketches to whole songs, Musico offers a cutting-edge toolbox.

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