Big Speak

Users of the free AI programme Big Speak can produce audio from text in a variety of languages. To create speech snippets that sound natural, it employs machine learning techniques.

Non-registered users can produce voice clips that are up to 300 characters long, whereas registered users can create clips that are up to 1000 characters long.

In addition, Big Speak provides AI audio transcription for English, German, Italian, French, and Japanese, as well as a voice cloning tool for English speakers. It also offers a variety of perspectives for many contexts, including activities, communication/social, artistic, entertainment/cooking, economics/law, engineering/education, science, biology, chemistry/pandemic, geography, and others.Big Speak supports Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) to significantly improve the audio quality provided.

This enables users to add pauses, modify the speech’s pitch, pace, and volume, and emphasise particular words. Additionally, it makes it possible to produce intonation that has a natural sound, lending the generated audio a more human quality.

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